Are you out-sourcing injection molded products in Asia and concerned with the risk?
The manufacturing world has been under a great amount of stress from effects of the Corona Virus. COVID-19 put a dent into companies everyday work flow. The ability to purchase items from other countries and the way your company operates has been altered. All this change caused serious brainstorming, to find a way around the roadblocks put into place by COVID-19. The biggest roadblock for the injection molding industry has been how to continue running when your mold has been delayed from the virus’s effects on China’s import and export of goods.
Transferring molds from China back to the United States has been a huge topic Pre-COVID-19. Tariffs, IP theft, and economies of scale are the largest factors that determine whether mold transfers from China are in your company’s’ best interest. Every company’s situation is different, but do not let the idea of transferring your mold back to the U.S. scare you.
The process of transferring your mold is not only scary, but it can also delay in your production as well. Transferring a mold from one supplier to another can take between two and six weeks, however, at Performance Plastics we have done it in three weeks. We are skilled in the art of mold transfer, especially since half of the customers we currently have started out by transferring their mold to us. Mold transfer is not a small task, but it can be an easy one when you are working with the right company.
To learn more about how Performance Plastics can help transfer your mold, contact Rich Reed, our Vice President of Sales and Marketing, at (513) 321-8404 or [email protected].